Headlight Alignment – Drive Safe At Night
Headlights are a crucial safety system for your car or truck but they are often overlooked when it comes to maintenance. By making vertical and horizontal adjustments to your headlights we are able to ensure you can see far enough at night to avoid any obstacles on the road. Without proper headlight alignment you put not only yourself but others sharing the road at risk which makes it even more important to ensure they are correctly adjusted to keep everyone safe.
Everyone has experienced being blinded by high beams and understands how disorentiating it can be. Determining the right alignment is dependent on a variety of factors such as the height of your vehicle and what type of lighting is being used. It’s also important to understand how your car performs in terms of braking at speed in order to correctly adjust your low and high beam alignment. Proper understanding of these metrics comes with experience developed over decades of working with various makes and models.